
A lifelong artist and entrepreneur, Alise loves nothing more than an adventure down a road not taken. This spirit of adventure and love of mystery has led Alise to explore new ways of making art by marrying what she loves most which is nature, photography, and working with new technologies to achieve what she sees in her imagination and feels in her bones.

August 4, 2015

My beautiful Mother Odette

This is my Mom who was a wonderful artist- showing her work and coloring with her great granddaughter- just as she did so many times with her 9 children and 15 grandchildren. She passed away peacefully July 25 having lived a full life of 89 years. She was married to my father for 69 years - who passed just 8 months ago. She's surely with him now.
Lots to learn from her- mostly to love always-and unconditionally.