
A lifelong artist and entrepreneur, Alise loves nothing more than an adventure down a road not taken. This spirit of adventure and love of mystery has led Alise to explore new ways of making art by marrying what she loves most which is nature, photography, and working with new technologies to achieve what she sees in her imagination and feels in her bones.

September 17, 2014

My morning walk

I live near Balboa Park in San Diego and walk every morning there. (So lucky!) 
One of my favorite walks is through the cactus garden. It is spectacular and inspires me every time. Being from Ohio and Northen Cal I had no idea there were so many wonderful catus and succulent plants. Today I walked through as the sprinkers were on- the light and water droplets and colors everywhere were awe inspiring and I took some photos as I usually do - heres a photo and the new designs this photo inspired when I got back home today. I will likely use these as backgrounds but they would also be great as fabric, wallpaper etc.