
A lifelong artist and entrepreneur, Alise loves nothing more than an adventure down a road not taken. This spirit of adventure and love of mystery has led Alise to explore new ways of making art by marrying what she loves most which is nature, photography, and working with new technologies to achieve what she sees in her imagination and feels in her bones.

November 29, 2010


This year we have acheived some very big milestones. We have had over 600 stores order our products!
Just to name a few- Nordstom, Coldwatre Creek, Signals Catalog, Charleston Gardens, and even an Austalian distributor is now on board. Just send us an email and we'll tell you where in your town you can buy our line. All of our products are available on and we are also part of a website called Our growth this year has been phenomenal thanks to all of our wonderful clients. Looking forward to growing and having lots of great new products next year too!